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May 7, 2021
Seeking mental health support at work
As many as one in five women develop a mental health challenge during pregnancy or in the first year after the birth of their baby. And...

Mar 19, 2021
Don't be a Daphne!
All right, unlike the female characters in the Bridgerton Netflix series, you know where babies come from. But most women are woefully...

Feb 18, 2021
Musings on mum guilt and public policy
It's half-term week. Yay, no homeschooling! My son is teaching me to play the card game of Pokemon, and that is fun. But I find myself...

Feb 4, 2021
Lessons from an 80-year study on happiness
A nearly 80-year long Harvard study on happiness followed the lives of 268 men (no women I must note) from the age of 18 until their...

Jan 28, 2021
How to transform relationships from liabilities to assets
Our relationships shape the way we experience life. They create our ecosystem and impact our personal and professional lives, our health...

Dec 22, 2020
If Your Holiday Plans Have Been Ruined
What are the things you have been looking forward to most about the holidays? Many Governments around the world have just thrown our...

Nov 19, 2020
The three-word guide on mindfulness
My 6-year-old son is swinging on the swing. I am swinging his younger brother on the other swing. My husband is standing facing me and...

Nov 5, 2020
Stress 101
How often do you stress? What are your stress triggers? Work, family, financial problems, health or slow internet. Most people feel...

Oct 8, 2020
If you feel annoyed with your children, your partner, yourself
It often happens when something goes not according to the ideal plan. One of my favourite writers, psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya...

Sep 3, 2020
The discomfort you are feeling is grief
Mums, dads, teams and leaders around the world are going through a grieving process. Grief is a normal human reaction to a loss from a...

May 25, 2020
What Makes a Good Life?
For many, life just like before the pandemic will feel like a good life today. But what makes a good life whatever the circumstances, a...

May 22, 2020
RESILIENCE is your buffer and a muscle
Resilient people focus on the things that they can change, and accept that there are things they can’t change. Check out the Resilience...

May 4, 2020
Make the effort to play!
I do not mean playing with your kids. Adults need their playtime to be creative, positive and just stay sane. You might also like to...

Apr 16, 2020
Childbirth: Quick facts for the UK
Below you will find statistics (as of April 2020) for the most common issues women in the UK experience after childbirth. The purpose of...
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