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Sep 3, 2021
Wrong jungle!
The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, 'Wrong jungle!' (Stephen Covey) We have a...

Aug 27, 2021
Hedonic treadmill, or 'I will be happy when...' syndrome
The hedonic treadmill, also known as hedonic adaptation, is the observed tendency of humans to quickly return to a habitual formula of...

Aug 13, 2021
Commitment paradox
Many successful, smart, strong-willed people struggle to make a change. To leave the job they dread to wake up to, to get on track with...

Jul 30, 2021
Playtime is not a waste of time
Does playtime ever feel like a waste of time to you? Maybe you wish you could play, but you feel that you have too much on your plate or...

Jul 23, 2021
Working parents research project
Are you a working Dad or do you know a working Dad who has returned from EXTENDED paternity or SHARED parental leave within the past two...

Jul 16, 2021
A coaching paradox
We do not like to be deceived but willingly deceive ourselves. We know it's time to make a change: to review our career direction, find...

May 7, 2021
Seeking mental health support at work
As many as one in five women develop a mental health challenge during pregnancy or in the first year after the birth of their baby. And...

Apr 30, 2021
How to say "No" at work
I know I need to say "No" to people when it comes to workload. What would be the best way to approach this, without having to say 'sorry...

Apr 22, 2021
Close your open door policy and do this instead
As the world prepares for a more hybrid way of working in the wake of the pandemic, I want to offer you this brilliant article by Frank...

Apr 8, 2021
Flexible working advice roundup
It's been 54 weeks since we all home-worked with kids and 52 weeks since I started this weekly newsletter. Both feel like a...

Apr 1, 2021
Doctor-mum on how she exclusively pumped for a year
Dr Sandrine Rey-Scalco is a working mother aka multi-tasker extraordinaire! She is a medical doctor and social gerontologist. At home,...

Mar 19, 2021
Don't be a Daphne!
All right, unlike the female characters in the Bridgerton Netflix series, you know where babies come from. But most women are woefully...

Feb 18, 2021
Musings on mum guilt and public policy
It's half-term week. Yay, no homeschooling! My son is teaching me to play the card game of Pokemon, and that is fun. But I find myself...

Feb 4, 2021
Lessons from an 80-year study on happiness
A nearly 80-year long Harvard study on happiness followed the lives of 268 men (no women I must note) from the age of 18 until their...

Jan 28, 2021
How to transform relationships from liabilities to assets
Our relationships shape the way we experience life. They create our ecosystem and impact our personal and professional lives, our health...

Jan 21, 2021
The missing link in flexible working
By law, all employees have the right to make a flexible working request if they’ve worked for the employer for at least 26 weeks, and...

Jan 14, 2021
To-do lists - let go & start anew or finish everything?
Writing to-do lists felt so mature in my late 20s. I remember the ecstatic feeling of being able to cross everything off my list and wrap...

Jan 1, 2021
New Year Resolutions That Work!
Have you ever wondered why some New Year's Resolutions succeed and some are monumental failures? Oh yes! We've all had a few of those!...

Dec 22, 2020
If Your Holiday Plans Have Been Ruined
What are the things you have been looking forward to most about the holidays? Many Governments around the world have just thrown our...

Dec 18, 2020
Trust Yourself
Mid-December each year, I like to sit down with my largest mug of tea and reflect on the achievements of this year, and what my hopes and...

Dec 11, 2020
Family Values: How to Find and Use Yours
You walk into a room full of strangers and you get a sense of what people value by what they wear, how they stand in the room, how and...

Dec 3, 2020
Flexible Working: Manual for Mums
By law, you have the right to make a flexible working request if you’ve worked for your employer for at least 26 weeks and you’re classed...

Nov 19, 2020
The three-word guide on mindfulness
My 6-year-old son is swinging on the swing. I am swinging his younger brother on the other swing. My husband is standing facing me and...

Nov 5, 2020
Stress 101
How often do you stress? What are your stress triggers? Work, family, financial problems, health or slow internet. Most people feel...
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